15 exercises regarding the topics Kumite, arm techniques, leg techniques, condition and concentration. Kumite Exercice Oi-Tsuki right Mae-Geri left Maeken-Tsuki left Kumite Exercice Zenkutsu-Dachi left, Kamae-Te left Yori-Ashi in Zenkutsu-Dachi, Maeken-Tsuki left Yori-Ashi in Zenkutsu-Dachi, Gyaku-Tsuki left Jodan-Mawashi-Geri (or Mae-Geri) Kumite Exercice Kamae-Te in Moto-Dachi Uraken-Uchi in Shiko-Dachi Yoko-Geri Kamae-Te in Moto-Dachi Kumite Exercice Kamae-Te left Ippon-Ashi-Tsuki right in Moto-Dachi Mawashi-Geri left Gyaku-Tsuki right Shuto-Uchi left Kumite Exercice Kamae-Te left Maeken-Tsuki left Ashi-Barai right Gyaku-Tsuki right Streetfighting Mawashi-Geri with toes up to the inner side of the thighs or (rips) Shuto-Uchi to the clavicle. It is important that the hip is turned while executing the kick. Arm Exercice Jodan-Age-Uke right Gedan-Barai left Uchi-Ude-Uke right Soto-Uke left Shuto-Uke right Arm Exercice Yoi Step forward to Sanchin-Dachi left, Morote-Kakete left Step forward to Sanchin-Dachi right, Morote-Haito-Uke right On the spot Morote-Kakete right Step forward to Sanchin-Dachi left, Chudan-Teisho-Uchi left On the spot Haito-Uke right On the spot Kakete right Step back, then begin again from the beginning (other side) Tsuki Exercice Jodan-Tsuki (chin) Chudan-Tsuki (solar plexus) Gedan-Tsuki (deep hit) Tsuki Exercice Yoi Jodan-Tsuki right in Yoi-Dachi (long distance) Chudan-Tate-Tsuki left in Yoi-Dachi (medium distance) Ura-Tsuki right in Yoi-Dachi (short distance) => good exercice to extimate distances (repeat ten times) Tsuki Exercice 5 push-ups Stand up in Moto-Dachi or Zenkutsu-Dachi 10 Tsuki => Repeat exercices ten times. This way the shoulders loose their tense. Leg Exercice Mae-Geri at knee height, snap back with leg but do not stand up Mae-Geri at belly height, snap back with leg but do not stand up Mae-Geri at head height, snap back with leg but do not stand up => Perform the whole exercise SLOWLY. Afterwards perform the same exercise with Mawashi-Geri. Very good for balance. Leg Exercice Kin-Geri Mae-Geri Fumi-Komi Mawashi-Geri Ura-Mawashi-Geri Yoko-Geri Kagato-Geri Kondition Bend your knees Stand up, Mae-Geri right Bend your knees Stand up, Mae-Geri left => Repeat exercice 20 times, arms change combat position (left / right). Concentration Kamae-Te left Chudan-Tsuki right / left fist Hikite Chudan-Yonhon-Hira-Nukite left / right open hand Hikite Chudan-Teisho-Uchi right/ right fist Hikite