© Copyright 2025 by Swiss Seishinkai Karate-Do
Alexander NEIDHART, Sensei 6th Dan Karate, 3rd Kyu Iaido Owner of the Karate school Honbucho - Swiss Seishinkai Karate-Do Kyoshi - Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (DNBK), Japan Shihan - Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (DNBK), Japan Shihan - Bushido Shin Renmei e.V. (BSR), Germany Kyoshi - Bushido Shin Renmei e.V. (BSR), Germany Hatamoto - Bushido Shin Renmei e.V. (BSR), Germany Representative to Switzerland - Bushido Shin Renmei e.V. (BSR), Germany Youth and Sports (J+S) Leader Karate “Jugendsport” Youth and Sports (J+S) Leader “Kindersport” Youth and Sports (J+S) Leader “Karate Kindersport”
Our Trainers
Start with Budo: 15 June 1987
Quote: Do not mourn for the past and to not get lost in the future The past is not any more. The future is not yet. Buddha